Apply to become an artist with us!

We are accepting new artist right now!

How to Apply to become an artist vendor:

1. Please download, read, and fill out the below pdfs

2. Return signed and completed PDFs to the Art Garden email-

3. Along with the signed PDF’s, please submit photographs of your work or links to view your work to the Art Garden email.

4. Once all of the above is submitted via email we will get back to as soon as we can.

**Please note DUE TO OUR LIMITED SPACE fine artists get priority to sell on Friday/Saturday Nights.
All bookings are at our discretion & acceptance is not a guarantee of bookings.
Crafters, clothiers, craft jewelry, soaps & body products and other makers may sell with us during our day markets (open in cool weather) and may be invited to sell at the night market or be on the night wait list.

Thank you to all who apply to vend with us and we look forward to reviewing all applications!